Stakeholder Engagement

Sustainable Policies -Stakeholder engagement-

We manage our properties as a responsible real estate asset management company by stressing the importance of engagement with our stakeholders such as investors, tenants, business partners, communities and property management companies.

Stakeholder Engagement

Basic views

The stakeholders of Kenedix are the customers of properties we manage, the client investors of funds we manage, business partners, communities, employees, and other investors. Constant interaction with stakeholders is essential for establishing sound relationships. We are dedicated to using these relationships for even better asset management activities that can in turn help make society better.

Continuous Improvement of Customer Satisfaction

Basic views

The continuous improvement of customer satisfaction is one of our material issues. One key customer category is the tenants and residents of the properties we manage. We are also dedicated to increasing the satisfaction of Kenedix private fund, private REIT and listed REIT investors. Most important to achieving customer satisfaction are the quality of the properties we acquire and the performance of our funds. We work closely with property management companies and other business partners in order to improve property quality and fund returns.

Portfolio property customer satisfaction

Tenant satisfaction survey

Satisfaction survey for tenants in office buildings, residential properties, shopping centers and healthcare facilities (the person in charge of general affairs and employees, and residents) regarding building facilities and operational services. This survey is undertaken by a third party and conducted every two years as a general rule. Consecutive survey enables us to capture the tenant needs and quickly respond by renewal of facilities or implement refurbishment and receive strong intention to stay in the same building from tenants.

Fund customer satisfaction

We hold regular meetings with the broad range of institutional investors all over Japan and overseas that have funds managed by Kenedix group. Direct engagement with these investors give them a better understanding of our funds and allow us to hear suggestions, requests and other thoughts of these investors.

The listed REIT, KDX Realty Investment Corporation, hold earnings announcement information meetings for securities analysts in each fiscal period. These REITs also participate in information meetings for individual investors as needed in order to maintain direct lines of communication with these investors.

Engagement with business partners

To properly share information such as the status of properties and improvements, we meet on a regular basis with the property and building management companies that oversee our real estate holdings. When there is a natural disaster or other emergency, we use our close ties with these companies for quickly determining building damage and performing on-site management.

Each REIT periodically evaluates the performance of the property management companies they use and hold discussions about their performance. This creates an appropriate level of pressure on both parties to do their best at all times. With no obligations or restrictions involving affiliations with other companies or groups, Kenedix has the flexibility to make investments and manage every property in the best possible way.

Topics: Unified asset and property management by the Kenedix group

Kenedix Real Estate Fund Management, Inc. and Kenedix Property Design, Inc. provide unified asset management and property management services to KDX Realty Investment Corporation and Kenedix Private Investment Corporation. Using this coordinated framework creates a sound base for providing high-quality office services that precisely match the needs of tenants while taking actions aimed at improving the profitability and value of portfolio properties.

Kenedix Property Design, Inc. established Kenedix Engineering, Inc. for the purpose of providing high-quality total management services by handling renovation and construction projects at managed properties. Adding this company gives Kenedix Property Management the ability to cover a broad range of property management activities extending from know-how to building facilities.

Contact for formal grievance complaint

Kenedix provides convenient channels for customers to submit complaints and consultations and is committed to resolving every issue in a speedy and suitable manner that earns the understanding of customers.

Community Engagement

Basic views

We have identified “Community engagement” as material topic and taking various unique initiatives to make positive contribution to the local communities.

Community engagement through managed properties

Local events at our properties

KDX Realty Investment Corporation is making efforts to enliven local communities by holding community-participating events at its properties.

Roseo Festival
Roseo Festival
Roseo Mito
Summer Sports Festival
Summer Sports Festival
iias Kasugai
Kids’ Festival
Kids’ Festival
Ashico Town Ashikaga

Participation in tenant event

The employees of the Kenedix Real Estate Fund Management, Inc. participated in the autumn festival held at the healthcare facility KDX Realty Investment Corporation owns, and experienced the stalls with the tenants, which were full of originality and ingenuity.

Participation in tenant event

Installation of Clothing and Sundries Collection Boxes

KDX Realty Invest Corporation has installed PASSTO, clothing and sundries collection boxes, from ECOMMIT Co., Ltd., a resource recycling business, in its residential properties.

Installation of Clothing and Sundries Collection Boxes
Installation of Clothing and Sundries Collection Boxes

Clothing Recycling Event at Our Properties

“BRING,” a clothing recycling project, was held at retail facilities owned by KDX Realty Investment Corporation.

Clothing Recycling Event at Our Properties
Clothing Recycling Event at Our Properties

Chocolate sales event to contribute to employment for disabled people

At “CHOCO LABO”, a Type B welfare facility for continuous employment support operated by General Incorporated Association AOH, people with disabilities work hard every day to manufacture and sell chocolate confections while making the most of their respective strengths. The event was held at office building owned by KDX Realty Investment Corporation and Kenedix Private Investment Corporation.

Chocolate sales event to contribute to employment for disabled people

Support for the activities of Japan for UNHCR

KDX Realty Investment Corporation has been supporting Japan for UNHCR, which is the official contact point in Japan on behalf of UNHCR, a refugee support organization of United Nations, by providing common areas of its properties as locations for fund-raising activities to support refugees, showing their advertising video on the digital signages of our properties both for free. The letter of appreciation was given by Japan for UNHCR to KDX Realty Investment Corporation.

UNHCR’s campaign
UNHCR’s campaign

SDGs event at our property

As part of its community contribution activities, KDX Realty Investment Corporation held an event to create a Christmas tree using local tenryu cedar trees at one of its property, Sun Street Hamakita. This event not only increased the interest towards local forestry industry, but also contributed to raising awareness to SDGs.

SDGs event at our property

Cooperation with local events

Kenedix Private Investment Corporation offers free open space in its office building as a place to exhibit artworks for community-sponsored art events, providing workers and residents in the neighborhood with a place to relax and have fun. By holding events utilizing the premises of its properties, we contribute to the creation of a lively community.

Cooperation with local events

Community engagement by Kenedix group

Community participation activities

Collaboration with local communities

KDX Realty Investment Corporation entered into agreements with Yoshikawa City, Ina Town, Konosu City and Ashikaga City under which a part of Unicus Yoshikawa, Unicus Ina, Unicus Konosu and Ashiko Town Ashikaga, respectively, can be used as a temporary shelter at times of emergency.

Collaboration with local communities
Volunteer activities

Kenedix Group conducts volunteer activities utilizing the volunteer leave system. By participating in trash pickup activities at Odaiba Seaside, we contribute to local communities and promote friendship across the group boundaries.

Volunteer activities

Education and academic support activities

Internship initiative for students

Kenedix Group organized an internship program with the aim of supporting students' career development and triggering interest in Kenedix and J-REIT industry. A three-day program consisting of workshops with various departments, property tours and other activities was conducted.

Internship initiative for students
J-REIT study session for university students

We have provided opportunities for J-REIT study session for university students to learn basic knowledge about J-REITs and structures of real estate funds.

J-REIT study session for university students
High school student work experience

We provided work experience opportunities for high school students. In addition to the tour of our office, they learned about the structure of real estate, real estate funds, and the current status of women’s empowerment.

High school student work experience

Culture, art and sports support activities

Sponsorship of Hibiya Music Festival

The Hibiya Music Festival is a “borderless music festival that anyone can join for free,” held at Hibiya Park where is a central park in Tokyo. We co-sponsor the Hibiya Music Festival, which is held in the Hibiya Park next to our office.

Sponsorship of Hibiya Music Festival
Sponsorship of the Japan Rowing Association

By sponsoring the Japan Rowing Association, we support the activities of the Japan Rowing National Team and competitions such as the All Japan Championship and the All Japan University Championship.

Sponsorship of the Japan Rowing Association

International exchange activities

Participation in the “Furugi de Vaccine Magokoro Project”

We participated in the "Furugi de Vaccine Magokoro Project," which collects unwanted clothing from our group employees and utilize them to provide polio vaccines to children in the developing countries.

Participation in the “Furugi de Vaccine Magokoro Project”

Reconstruction support activities

Matching donations

In the event of a disaster such as earthquake, heavy rain or typhoon, etc., Kenedix conducts a matching donation program to support reconstruction activities. With this program, Kenedix adds a certain amount to every donation that employees made to an eligible disaster relief charity.

Matching donations

Managing Conflicts of Interests

Basic views

The real estate operations of Kenedix encompass a broad spectrum of stakeholders as well as a large number and variety of properties owned by various investment funds. The immense scale of these activities creates the risk of conflicts of interest. Preventing this problem requires managing assets while exercising care to prevent conflicts involving transactions between Kenedix funds and other activities.

Managing conflicts of interests is one of our material issues. The Kenedix Compliance Manual has policies for specific measures aimed at preventing these conflicts and protecting the assets of the Kenedix Group. We have compliance and other training programs for reinforcing the commitment of employees to prevent conflicts of interests.

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  2021 2022 2023 2024
ROE 9.7% 10.2% 11.3% 11.5%